How can we work together to ensure that all of our neighbors have a hand in shaping our collective future?

In August 2014 the Community Justice Project, the Bertha Justice Institute at the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the Bertha Foundation hosted a gathering at the LAB Miami of approximately 150 people to begin to answer that question.

Participants worked in small groups across disciplines—design, law, art, activism, technology, social enterprise—to generate relationships as well as concrete ideas responding to those challenges in order to make Miami’s future more inclusive. Community partners WeCount!, New Vision Taxi Association, Dream Defenders, Miami Workers Center, and Power U Center for Social Change shared members' stories and worked closely with other participants to craft solutions. 

Many great ideas surfaced from the mixing of backgrounds, disciplines and expertise. Here are just a few of the innovative projects participants came up with:

  • Planting Justice: A fair trade certification program to empower consumers with the information they need to buy plants only from nurseries that treat their workers fairly.  
  • Freedom Fridays: A single class period a month where students and educators can come together to create and implement innovative and creative curriculum with heart.  
  • 305 Cares: A smartphone or web app using "sharing economy" principles to provide quality, safe, and affordable childcare to Miami residents.
  • Ride In: A weeklong event encouraging Miami residents to take a taxi and connect to our local taxi drivers.